This is a simple text file (later versions use JSON) which the FileMaker client or FileMaker server watches for when starting up. It is an undocumented feature and varies from version to version as it's used for testing and debugging the FileMaker client and server. Various settings control how the application behaves and what information it collects.
This file was first documented by Mislav Kos at Soliant and then updated for version 20.3 and higher to be renamed ClarisConfig.json.
The file should be placed relative to the executing binary. If FileMaker is installed in the default location it will likely be in the following location.
For example: If you have installed the client in another location, such as ~/Applications [user specific applications] instead of /Applications [system wide applications folder] then place the file in the same folder as the application.
You should see a file called DBDebug.log created in the same location as the config file. This can be reviewed using a terminal, text editor or log watcher such as Apple's Console app or tail -f /path/to/DBDebug.log
on Linux or Get-Content <file> -Wait
in Window's PowerShell.
This file is named ReleaseDebugOn.txt. You can easily disable it by exiting the application, client or server, and appending the value of .off - such as a result of Removing the .off portion allows you to use the file's settings.
# The most common settings are ForceOutput & RemoteCalls.
# Credit to Mislav Kos from Soliant Consulting for documenting.
# Source:
# File locations:
# Server macOS/Linux = /Database Server/bin/
# Server Windows = /Database Server/
# Client macOS/Windows = Same location as application
# Resulting files:
# DBDebug.log will be relative to file location above.
# fmscwpc.log (QuickStart preview related)
# Uncomment the following items in order to:
# -----------------------------------------
# Use the older temp file method of multi-key indexing.
# Pro/Go [ √ ] - Server [ X ]
# -----------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------
# Don't sort records on the server.
# Pro/Go [ √ ] - Server [ √ ]
# -----------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------
# Don't allow server side summary generation.
# 19.5 Release
# Pro/Go [ √ ] - Server [ √ ]
# -----------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------
# Turn off the the sharing lock.
# Do not confuse with record locking.
# This is a lower level of locking
# specific to server.
# Pro/Go [ X ] - Server [ √ ]
# -----------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------
# Turn on output for the log file.
# Pro/Go [ √ ] - Server [ √ ]
# -----------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------
# Use the older method of a temporary file. (Pre v15)
# Otherwise the newer persistent cache file is used.
# Pro/Go [ √ ] - Server [ X ]
# -----------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------
# Log all the remote calls.
# Pro/Go [ √ ] - Server [ √ ]
# -----------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------
# When sorting client side, use multiple threads.
# Pro/Go [ √ ] - Server [ X ]
# -----------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------
# Use multiple threads if sorting on server.
# Pro/Go [ √ ] - Server [ √ ]
# -----------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------
# PSOS can call PSOS on server.
# ONLY works with some versions!
# Pro/Go [ X ] - Server [ √ ]
# -----------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------
# Unknown: Something dealing with portals
# and rendering data. Fixes some stuff on Windows
# -----------------------------------------
See comments in the .txt version above. This version of the file is named ClarisConfig.json
"DisableMemoryKeyCmpIndexing": false,
"DisableServerSideSorting": false,
"DisableServerSideSummary": false,
"DisableSharingLockOnServer": false,
"ForceOutput": true,
"NormalTempFile": false,
"RemoteCalls": true,
"SharingLock4Pro": false,
"ThreadedSorting": false,
"SupportNestedPSOS": false,
"extraflags": "no_portal_drs"